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Use this timeline to help organize your big move

It’s no wonder that moving is regularly listed as one of the most stressful life activities! And if you’re in the process of moving from your family home to a new senior living community, it can feel a bit overwhelming to sort through decades of memories. 

Instead of diving in all at once, we recommend taking a phased approach, and working on different aspects of the move over a six-week period. Here’s a sample timeline that you can follow in order to feel more prepared—and less overwhelmed—by this transition.

6 Weeks Out

At the beginning of the process, it’s all about scheduling and organization.

  • Schedule the movers
  • Order moving supplies
  • Make a not of all tax deductible moving expenses
  • Check on your home and auto insurance

5 Weeks Out

Now it’s time to take a bird’s eye view of your belongings and create a to-do list.

  • Create a timeline for packing—consider organizing it by type of item, from least-detached (ie. electronics) to most-attached (ie. memorabilia)
  • Identify anything you’d like to donate or sell and arrange to have them dropped off or picked up
  • Determine if you’re taking any appliances
  • Start using up food that you have in your pantry and refrigerator

4 Weeks Out

Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work!

  • Begin packing
  • Confirm the date and time with moving company, as well as furniture and appliances and an estimated number of boxes
  • Notify friends and family of your move
  • Dispose of hazardous items 
  • Schedule cleanings for new & old homes

3 Weeks Out

As your move date gets closer, it’s time for a bit of administrative work.

  • Continue packing
  • Notify service providers of either cancellation or transfer—internet, cable, television, utilities, etc.
  • Forward mail
  • Update mailing address 
  • Arrange pet care on moving day, if applicable

2 Weeks Out

At this point, you should be close to finishing with your packing, donating, and clearing out old items from the home.

  • Continue packing
  • Gather warranty info and manuals for your old home 
  • Confirm parking and unloading spots for moving company
  • Decide where furniture will go in your new home

1 Week Out

It’s almost D-Day! Just a few more steps and you’re ready to move.

  • Pack a bag of essentials—clothes for a few days, toiletries, medications, etc.—so that you have easy access during the first few days in your new home
  • Pack kitchen and other essentials
  • Make arrangements for final trash pickup

Interested in more helpful moving tips? Visit us for our tour of Harbor Inn and we’ll provide you with a comprehensive, 15-page guide that will help you as you plan your big move.